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To increase the speed and power of kick-punch, for high jumps, and to increase proper length, a good diet is necessary. However, you'll be pleased to know that the diet plan provided in this web story is sufficient for all the above-mentioned aspects.

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For martial arts athletes, a diet is needed that contains adequate amounts of vitamins, extra protein, and calcium, along with being easily digestible, as well as the need for additional energy for better performance in martial arts. We are talking about some essential foods that are very important for martial arts athletes.

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Banana falls into the category of superfoods, rich in potassium, aiding muscle recovery and reducing cramps. It is a favorite food of most foreign martial arts athletes. It is easy to eat and can be consumed before, after, or during practice sessions.

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"Pulses and beans are considered nutritious food items. In the category of martial arts superfoods, foods containing dal and beans have always been considered the most nutritious. Rajma, a favorite food of martial artist Jackie Chan, contains fiber, protein, and amino acids in very low amounts of sugar, making it a better inclusion in the diet of a martial arts practitioner."

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Including chickpeas in your diet helps in the formation of red blood cells in the bodies of martial artists, making it beneficial to consume. According to martial arts trainers, due to the increased hard work in martial arts training, there is also damage to the body's blood cells. Therefore, consuming chickpeas has been proven to be very beneficial for their recovery.

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Use dates as snacks It is also necessary for martial artists to eat dates as snacks because dates contain sufficient amounts of calcium, iron, and potassium. Martial artists should also consume dates three to four days a week to avoid feeling heavy in the body.

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Make sure to include sweet potatoes in your diet. Also known as sweet potatoes, this variety of potato is considered a superfood, which strengthens our lungs. It should also be included in the diet plan of martial arts, as sweet potatoes contain a sufficient amount of vitamin A, which is very important for the athlete's lungs.

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Show love to green vegetables. Green vegetables contain calcium, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidant properties that prevent our bodies from tiring quickly. Green vegetables help maintain our body's energy levels. Eating green vegetables helps in building a healthy body.

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Incorporate daily fruit consumption into your diet. Besides bananas, include other fruits in your diet as well because each fruit has its own benefits. Whether it's apples, oranges, mangoes, or any other fruit you like, make sure to include one or two fruits in your eating routine. These fruits will provide you with a strong body and a sharp mind, enhancing your ability to make quick decisions.

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Consume milk or milk-based food items. Milk contains various nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, all of which work to nourish your body well. Regular consumption of milk and yogurt strengthens our bones, and also helps in increasing your proper height.

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Eggs provide ample energy and are rich in nutrients. Apart from protein, vitamins, and antioxidants, eggs contain several other nutritious elements that not only provide energy but also make our bodies healthy and strong. Eggs are a superfood for martial artists. They naturally contain Vitamin D, which not only benefits our bodies but also strengthens our minds. If you do not eat eggs, you can substitute them with paneer (cottage cheese).