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Friends, you may have observed that while practicing punches, kicks, blocks, etc., in martial arts or while attacking someone, all martial arts students shout loudly, which is a common practice in martial arts. Yelling in martial arts serves multiple purposes.

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Focus and Energy Release, The loud yell, often called a kiai, helps to focus energy and concentration, enhancing the power and effectiveness of a strike or technique. 

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In Asian martial arts, the prevalent use of the term "kiai" is noteworthy. In Japanese, it means "to emit energy," 

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In addition to these, there are several other words spoken aloud in a loud voice during practice, which are as follows: "kheya," "hoya," "Thiya," "hayi "khya," "theye," "ai," etc. 

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All these words are pronounced loudly during the practice of kicks, punches, or attacks, and their literal meaning is almost the same.

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Intimidation, It can intimidate opponents, disrupting their focus and potentially making them hesitate.

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Breath Control, Yelling helps regulate breathing, ensuring proper oxygen intake and maintaining stamina during physical exertion.

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Communication, In traditional martial arts, the yell can communicate intentions, alerting training partners or opponents to an attack or defensive maneuver.

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Usually, all martial artists emit a loud voice while striking and practicing, which is expelled from the abdomen rather than the throat. This helps to keep our abdominal muscles tight and loose repeatedly, which aids in neutralizing attacks on our bodies.

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Overall, yelling in martial arts is a combination of physiological and psychological factors that enhance performance and effectiveness in combat situations.