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This part gives information about important American martial arts styles, both big and small. It talks about martial arts like American Kenpo, Chun Kuk Do, Jeet Kune Do, and the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program. There are more styles too. 

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American Kenpo, American Kenpo is a mix of different martial arts. People also call it Kenpo Karate.

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Budokon, Budokon is a mix of martial arts and Yoga training. 

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Chun Kuk Do – Chun Kuk Do is a blend of Korean and American martial arts. Chuck Norris, a famous martial artist and actor, created it. Now, it's known as the "Chuck Norris System." 

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Combat Hapkido is a version of traditional Hapkido. It concentrates more on self-defense and grappling

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Danzan Ryu It's a mix of jujitsu made in America, also known as Kodenkan.

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Jailhouse Rock (JHR) is a martial arts system developed in the US prison system.

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Jeet Kune Do, Bruce Lee, a famous martial artist and actor, created Jeet Kune Do.

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Kajukenbo is a style made in America. It combines moves from Judo, Karate, Eskrima, and more. It's made to work well in real-life fights and self-defense situations.

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Kickboxing – Kickboxing is about strong kicks and punches.